Presence & Gratitude | March Prayers
Spring is sending its first signs to us here in the Northern Hemisphere which is always such a powerful promise of hope amidst the dark. Even with these late winter storms and now global unrest, we know the light perseveres. This month, may you take some moments to bask in the warming sunlight, to stop and caress a new crocus or sit and listen to the gathering chorus of migrating birds.
“We pray that you will grow strong with the strength that comes from the honor and shining-greatness of his power. Then you will be able to stand firm in a calm and unhurried manner, as you give thanks with glad hearts to the Great Spirit who is our Father from above.”
A Blessing for the Life you Have
Blessed are you who look
wide-eyed, maybe timidly,
at the present moment,
gazing at those things that
are gently, actually within
the reach of your fingertips.
Blessed are you amid the
ordinary details that define
what life is for you, right now.
And as you see them,
greet them—each one—
as you smile and
call them by name.
Everyday joys. Small pleasures.
Birds chirping. Cat cuddles.
A cold glass of water.
A little child calling your name.
The breeze on your cheeks.
The ocean rhythm.
The perfect pillow.
The kindness of a friend.
Loves that are and were
and ever will be.
May they seem even lovelier,
even more delicious because
they become gifts offered anew.
May gratitude fill you,
reaching all of the spaces within
you that disappointment
left behind and fear has gripped.
May something rise in your heart
that feels like a strange
new kind of contentment.
Because this isn’t what
you had planned, but it
surprises you that even here
it can be good. Satisfying.
In a way that you know you
can come back to. A place that can
sustain you through
whatever may come.
Blessed are you,
finding that life is good
because it is enough.
Kate Bowler will be speaking here at the University of Virginia on April 3rd! Click here to reserve your ticket or learn how to watch after!
** This blessing can be found in Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection
*** Learn more about the First Nations Version of our scripture verse.